The Synetic Year - Sidereal Zodiac Diamond Anniversary

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Jim Eshelman
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The Synetic Year - Sidereal Zodiac Diamond Anniversary

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sixty years ago, in 1957, Donald Bradley rectified the zodiac - correctly identifying, for the first time in two millennia, the exact boundaries of nature's one zodiac.

Therefore, 2017 is the Sidereal zodiac's diamond anniversary. For this reason among others, I'm dedicating this forum to a year of 12 separate projects exploring more intimately the 12 Sidereal zodiacal constellations, and posting this proclamation atop all parts of the forum.

Bradley named his calculated value the SYNETIC VERNAL POINT (SVP), explaining that "synetic" (from the Greek root syn-, "together, joined") referred to the interconnectedness and wholeness of astrology. In proclaiming this The Synetic Year, I celebrate that wholeness whereby astrology, now correctly recovered, reflects the integral wholeness of the universe, and open the doors even wider to the connection and togetherness of all Sidereal astrologers.

Let it be a year of syndesis, or drawing together, uniting, and connecting.

And let it be a year of recognizing, understanding, and celebrating one of the greatest discoveries of modern time - 60 years ago this year.
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: The Synetic Year - Sidereal Zodiac Diamond Anniversary

Post by Jim Eshelman »

On May 4, 2017, I followed up with:
Jim Eshelman wrote:It was in the May 1957 issue of American Astrology that this first began to appear (in a three-part article). Happy 60th birthday to the SVP!
Jim Eshelman
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