U.S. Ingresses Oct 11 - Nov 7, 2024

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U.S. Ingresses Oct 11 - Nov 7, 2024

Post by Jim Eshelman »

USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning OCTOBER 11, 2024

Effective Jan 15, 2024 to Jan 14, 2025. For a full interpretation of the 2024 "year chart," click here.

LIBSOLAR (Oct 17) Effective Oct 17 to Jan 14.
Replacing confrontational and emotionally toxic quarter charts, the Libsolar is almost peaceful in contrast. It isn't quiet and calm, however: Like most recent election year Libsolars, this one clearly confirms that we are enacting our quadrennial ritual of overthrowing our head of state. Pluto conjoins Midheaven. This year's symbolism is even more pronounced, since Uranus rises, showing that people are ready for a change and something fresh. Sun (due west in azimuth) makes PVP squares to both Uranus and Pluto. Nothing could be clearer for "overthrowing" a head of state! Seeing this chart over a year ago reinforced the clear view that Joe Biden would be replaced as president at this election.

To get this chart's impact on the election's outcome, we need only ask: Which of the major party candidates is most clearly something new, refreshing, electrical, and startling?

Moon's longitude of great interest. The weight of evidence tells us that these ingresses do not tie personally to the nativities of people at the center of public events; yet, it's hard to ignore this 7°11' Aries Moon only 0°08' from Pres. Biden's 7°03' Aries Moon. I have no idea what this means (if it means anything at all); but, if at all efficacious, it seems to say that he is at the center of events of this quarter in ways currently unclear, even though, at the moment, he appears to be far in the background of this coming quarter's major events.

The election aside, how do we read this new Quarter chart? Its strongest messages involve Mercury 0°30' from Westpoint and in somewhat wide mundane opposition to a closely angular Moon. This means that a primary theme of the quarter involves information - news and other flow of data - and perhaps transportation (aviation themes and commercial transport themes especially). Digital espionage remains a serious threat as long as transiting Pluto remains in aspect to the U.S.A. natal Mercury but does not seem to be the primary information issue. Of course, Moon and Mercury most closely angular and in aspect says that a record number of people will vote (popular involvement meeting the casting of ballots). Digital interference with information is more domestic than foreign. In this one chart, we do not see the "hanging chad" Mercury-Saturn aspects of November 2000. With regard to other information and transportation themes, we may have to wait and see what pops up.

Despite relative calm compared to earlier times, there is still the emotional tension of a Moon-Pluto square. In 2025, for the first time since at least 2015, we will see an end to the recurring, week by week Moon-Pluto aspects in lunar ingresses that have made extraordinary and out of bounds events seem ordinary and commonplace. Though things finally calm down in 2025, they are still quite not-calmed-down in the last quarter of 2024.

Furthermore, Uranus and Pluto both near angles signal "Anything goes! Don't be surprised how surprised you are!" But Uranus and Pluto are not in mutual aspect, so there is no sense of overthrowing what is so and bringing down institutions.

Finally, a foreground Venus-Uranus opposition has two likely meanings. Foremost, it signals significant revision of our relationships with other nations, whether our usual allies or opponents. Second, alongside Uranus' and Jupiter's current transit through Taurus, it signals that the issue of abortion will be huge in this election. While Venus-Uranus alone only means a strong (even historic) social statement on the matter, all astrological factors together favor decisions that liberalize abortion rights. (The Venus-Uranus opposition is even stronger due to PVP squares of Sun to both planets.)

MEDIUM-TERM (The Bridge)
  • ALL MONTH: Uranus
All month, transiting Uranus crossing Capsolar Ascendant is the only Bridge factor. Uranus has a free in a month already expected to feature surprises and reversals. Uranus in mundane astrology is primarily explosive, whether literal or metaphorical: It will continue the spirit of refreshment, renewing, and breaking loose we have seen for the last three months. Additionally, expect different forms of rupture, eruption, surprise, and overflowing normal boundaries and limitations, which may include disclosures and revelations. Uranus times (when viewed in hindsight) tend to have profound social impact to the point of defining the character of an era.
  • Oct 11: Pluto stationary 4°33' Cap
  • Oct 22: Mars enters Cancer
LIBLUNAR (Oct 3) Effective Oct 3-17
Because the Caplunar is dormant, the Liblunar remains dominant another week. Venus closely rises so, like each of the last two weeks, Venus themes set our expectations. Also, because the Moon-Pluto aspect is much closer than last week, and Uranus is widely foreground, there is a stronger spirit of public outcry and demand for change.

One wonders if four strait weeks of Venus toning the nation's psyche gives unusual advantage to the Libra female candidate. In any case, one Libra and one Taurus hold the nation's attention.

Venus as the lead planet normally brings peace, love, and other causes for celebration. She directs attention to partnerships and other relationships between nations, our connections to allies and enemies. With last month's mournful Saturn-Neptune Caplunar expired, this Venus-leading Liblunar will bring a more purely Venus expression. Uranus more widely angular, still brings a sense of freshness and surprise, a need for renewal, and a push toward freedom where we have felt constrained.

The Caplunar is dormant. There is no Month chart per se for the U.S. this month. Moon's aspects to Mercury (ecliptical) and Mars (mundane) mean, of course, that warring continues, matters (military and non-military) requiring strategic and tactical precision recur, and the "war of words" of the election season continue. Regrettably, none of these is surprising.

ARILUNAR (Oct 17) Effective Oct 17-31
This falls a half day before the Libsolar and both have Mercury as the most angular planet. As mentioned for the Libsolar, the primary themes involve information - news and other flow of data - and perhaps transportation (aviation themes and commercial transport themes especially).

Amidst obvious themes of commerce, communication, transportation, and technology, Mercury angular often simply means that the news media mobilizes or is even the center of its own story. Breaking news, media events, and other incidents that interrupt normal broadcasts for news reports (especially if they take over the airwaves for a long stretch) are all Mercurial. We expect this sort of non-stop attention in the last weeks of the presidential election so the double Mercury emphasis probably means something more - something of the is sort that we do not presently expect.

Nor will it be boring data. Something phenomenal will happen that grips our attention. Besides the partile Moon-Sun opposition (that, by itself, could simply mean that the presidency is foremost on people's minds), both luminaries are in close mundane square to Pluto. Sun-Moon-Pluto is something of an "overthrow" or undermining event of great impact. Nature may provide its own October in the month's last two weeks.

And the world is hardly calm. In no sense are things peaceful. Worldwide, Moon opposes Mars about 2°. This creates a heightened state of emergency or alarm, three common forms of which are massive fires, destructive natural disasters, and war or war-like happenings.

The Canlunar is dormant. We should mention, though, that Moon is 0°10' from square Mars (local to Washington) and 0°36' from conjunct Mars (worldwide). As part of a Moon-Venus-Mars-Pluto quartet, it says the world is not peaceful. Alliances are severely frayed worldwide. One place they are angular is Arizona, giving new heft to the phrase "battleground state." But Moon-Mars also are angular in central and western Europe and, especially, in Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza. - with Pluto angular near Tehran.

LIBLUNAR (Oct 31) Effective Oct 31-Nov 7
A feeling of peace and success comes with Venus and Jupiter close to the meridian (their midpoint being within 1° of the horizon. There is pain and grief with this, though, as Saturn and Neptune are 7° either side of Descendant, their midpoint also on the horizon. Venus and Jupiter are stronger than Saturn and Neptune, but they all have a voice.
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Pres. Biden's Lunar Returns

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Effective Oct 16-Nov 14. This complicated chart (with 20 close-orbed foreground aspects) shows a mixed quality. Benefics outweigh malefics (only a little) so, on balance, it will seem favorable. Dignity (foreground Sun and Jupiter) more strongly outweighs indignity (no Saturn or Neptune). Biden gains respect and experiences success. With two Moons closely angular, he is in the limelight more than expected. However, his successes are not record-breakers.

It is quite difficult to weave all of these factors together. Much is happening. He continues in the positive stream of transiting Jupiter exactly square his Midheaven and is bringing some of his remaining goals to at least temporary completion.

For example, transiting Venus conjoins and Uranus opposes natal Sun-Venus (Venus' transit to natal Sun being 0°03' mundanely); but they are widely angular. The transits will feel good and will not have a large impact on his life otherwise. But his natal Moon-Jupiter rotate to form a 0°23' mundane square that is the strongest aspect in the chart (that transiting Pluto aspects): This is an important win and satisfaction. Uranus and Pluto aspect his Mercury within close orb:: He is ingenious, creative, thinks outside the box, finds solutions where they weren't suspected. Transiting Mercury squares natal Jupiter (mundanely), suggesting success in diplomacy and negotiation. Natal Mars square Jupiter (mundane) is foreground, showing that his strength, enthusiasm, and competitive energies run strong and thrive: His health is probably better than it's been in months.

All of this is piecemeal, an aspect-by-aspect attempt to string individual parts together. There is a larger picture, not obvious to me among the numerous pieces and scores of combinations, that has all of these characteristics at once.

Effective Oct 30-Nov 14. In his final return of the campaign season (overlapping Election Day and the week after), Biden is very much in the limelight with Sun and Moon straddling Descendant.

Biden shows great strength and command. The orientation of this chart brings his natal Moon and Mars into mundane opposition. The command, leading angular Sun touches them both, energizing his psyche and firing his assertiveness. This is easiest to see with these mundoscope positions:

3°10' H7 - t Sun
3°25' H1 - r Moon
6°11' H7 - r Mars
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Re: U.S. Ingresses Oct 11 - Nov 7, 2024

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This is now complete.
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