Gukesh Dommaraju - current World Chess Championship Challenger

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Ember Nyx
Sidereal Field Agent
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Gukesh Dommaraju - current World Chess Championship Challenger

Post by Ember Nyx »

Gukesh Dommaraju was born May 29 2006 in Chennai, India, at an unknown time. He is currently challenging world champion Ding Liren for the title, and has been on an absolute tear up until this point, easily beating everyone who competed with him for the right to face Ding.

He is a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon, Cancer Mars. His notable aspects (assuming a 12:00pm birth time and ignoring Moon aspects) include:
Venus oc Uranus 0°08'
Jupiter oc Pluto 0°09'
Mercury tr Neptune 0°14'
Sun sx Saturn 0°56'
Mercury sx Eris 1°04'
Sun oc Eris 1°38'
Mercury oc Saturn 1°46'
Venus sq Mars 3°00'
Jupiter tr Uranus 3°29'

He lost game 1 of the World Chess Championship to Ding Liren in a surprising upset - surprising due to him being in peak form and Ding being nowhere near his peak, and Ding beating him with the black pieces.

His transits for 5:00pm in Singapore for game 1:
t. Mars oc r. Mercury 00'
p. Uranus oc r. Venus 01'
p. Sun op p. Pluto 02'
p. Mars sx r. Sun 05'
t. PLuto sq r. Venus 08'
t. Pluto oc r. Uranus 17'
t. Venus oc s. Jupiter 26'
t. Mercury oc r. Saturn 32'
p. Mercury co r. Mars 32'
p. Mercury oc r. Venus 38'
t. Jupiter sq s. Saturn 40'
p. Mars co p. Saturn 44'
p. Venus op r. Pluto 47'
t. Saturn oc r. Mars 50'
p. Saturn sx r. Sun 50'
t. Neptune oc r. Jupiter 51'
t. Uranus co s. Uranus 53'
p. Sun oc p. Jupiter 54'
p. Jupiter sq p. Saturn 56'
t. Jupiter oc s. Pluto 58'

His transits for the closing ceremony December 14:
p. Uranus oc r. Venus 01'
t. Mercury oc s. Mars 02'
p. Sun op p. Pluto 05'
p. Mars sx r. Sun 07'
t. Uranus co s. Uranus 09'
t. Mercury op s. Venus 23'
p. Neptune tr r. Mercury 24'
t. Jupiter oc r. Venus 25'
t. Mars oc r. Mercury 29'
p. Sun oc r. Jupiter 32'
t. Jupiter sq r. Uranus 33'
p. Mars co p. Saturn 43'
t. Sun oc r. Saturn 46'
t. Neptune oc r. Jupiter 49'
p. Saturn sx r. Sun 50'
p. Jupiter sq p. Saturn 56'
t. Neptune sq r. Pluto 59'
t. Venus op r. Saturn 1°04' (not in orb at that moment but still relevant to the circumstances)

It's hard to say who will win between them based on their transits. At the very least, they both receive positive attention (and money) from the event, so it can only be so bad for the loser. Both of them have broadly positive transits and progressions, with a few heavier ones like Neptune-Saturn for Ding, and Saturn-Mars for Gukesh - the latter of which seems to leave orb by the time of the closing ceremonies.

The transit situation looks to me like it begins to favor Gukesh as the World Chess Championship progresses.

I should add, though, that t. Mars exactly octile r. Mercury (give or take due to lack of birth time) is really interesting for Game 1... he went into severe time trouble just before additional time was granted, going down to 4 seconds on the clock with 2 more moves to go. He did reach time control on move 40, and did make sane moves to get there, but his position was lost several moves before that.
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